
Monday, June 22, 2009

This Is Going To Get Ugly...

via Bossip

It seems as if things are going to get ugly with Kelis and Nas' divorce. Here she goes in on him not being a good dad...

Via Kelis’ Twitter:

# They got together so he’s definitely family but father
doesn’t come to mind. So to all u daddy’s out there who count happy fathers day!about 22 hours ago from TwitterBerry

Lol I actually forgot the holiday
today. My father passed away years ago and my mothers husband is awesome but I was long gone by the timeabout 22 hours ago from TwitterBerry

For you! But I’m sitting here thinking I can’t think of any guys I know who are really great fathers not being funny or cruel I just can’t!about 22 hours ago from TwitterBerry

Hmmmm completely forgot today was fathers day….. Was talking to my friend just now. And for all those great daddy’s out there this is not