
Monday, January 4, 2010

Don't Mess With Her Baby

According to, while at the airport in Atlanta, Toya Carter and her daughter Reginae were accosted by some deranged man - who was trying to harm Reginae. Hit the yellow link below for the rest.

The dude, who looked very weird and crazy, started making inappropriate comments towards the two ladies. But it didn't stop there. The man then approached Reginae in a threatening manner.

That's when Toya's maternal instincts kicked in and she SPAZZED OUT!!! According to their snitch, Lil Wayne's ex, put down her Louis purse and ran up on dude ready to get it CRACKIN!!! But before Toya could get any hits in, police swooped in on the scene and restrained her and took the man away. Neither Toya nor the man was arrested.

All I'm saying is this nine times out of ten, if you want to see a Black woman lose her mind, all you have to do is say or do something toward their child and it will be on and CRACKIN as MTO put it. Motherly instinct kicks in and a woman will stop at nothing to protect her child from danger. That's right Mrs. Toya, I agree 100% with you.