
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Janet Jackson...Movie Producer?

Janet Jackson
Janet Jackson just inked a deal with Lionsgate to become a movie producer. She will select, develop and produce a feature film for the independent studio, report The Hollywood Reporter.
“Many people forget I started out as an actor,” she tells THR. “I have been fortunate to work in the film industry, though not as much as I would like. I have a passion for storytelling, and have been doing it through my music for some time.”
Mike Paseornek, Lionsgate president says Janet, “is a powerful on-screen presence, with a vast audience, and we believe she will be an equally powerful presence behind the scenes. We are honored to be able to provide a home for her ideas, passion and immense talent.”
As for what she might produce Janet says she is drawn to diverse material but she is captivated by film noir. This is super big for Janet and I can’t wait to see what she brings to the screen. Janet is currently on tour and set the hit the bay area in April.